Day by day things seemed to get better according to my family. To me, things still seemed on hold. March 30th I went to work on a part time basis. No more than 4 hours a day. I was limited to lifting no more than 5lbs, not that my job required much lifting anyway. We have an office within the building that someone always has to be in in case of a crisis or whatnot. Luckily, I was given office time for those 4 hours because getting around was still very difficult. I was exhausted after 4 hours. I did part time for a few weeks then finally went back full time which was a slap in the face. I hadn't been to work since the beginning of February and now it's April and I'm just starting to do 8 hour days. It was tough but got easier.
Work was very accommodating and definitely made the adjustment back a lot easier than I had expected. I stopped the visiting nurse once I went back to work and saw my surgeon every 2 weeks. Doctor visits were routine. I would see the APRN first. She helped me through all the adjustments of the bag and helped me through the whole process. She is the sweetest woman ever and I appreciate everything she has done for me. I would see her and she would change my bag for me herself and check all my stitches...checking I mean, sticking a long cotton swab in my incision and cleaning it out...made me nauseous and hurt like hell! But it had to be done. I could never watch her do it...ick!! Then I would see my surgeon who is just as great. He would check my incisions as well and check how I was eating and feeling and all that.
They would check my butthole where they closed me up so nothing would be coming out. It was very sore and they were waiting for that to heal before they attempted to "hook" me back up again. The body is a weird thing let me tell you. Even though I had stool coming out my stomach, I still had some liquid coming out of my bottom end, just clear. Doctor said it was normal, so okay. At first, it would leak on its own and it sucked but then it got easier and would only happen when I went to use the bathroom. Now I just had to wait.
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